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GAUGE-EVOLUTIONAL INTERPRETATION OF SPECIAL AND GENERAL RELATIVITIES // Киев: Библиотека Украины (ELIBRARY.COM.UA). Дата обновления: 24.03.2019 . URL: https://elibrary.com.ua/m/articles/download/11227/3434 (дата обращения: 27.04.2024 )

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Автор(ы) публикации: P. DANYLCHENKO


1. The nature of relativistic length shrinkage (p. 3)

It is shown here, that relativistic shrinkage of the length of moving body appears itself (without the influence of external forces). This shrinkage is caused by isobaric self-contraction of body matter and by propagation of the strength of inertia forces field together with the front of body proper time. A mechanism of kinetic energy filling of a body is considered and propagation of the phase waves of perturbation of gravitational field at supraluminal velocity is substantiated here.

Keywords: relativistic length shrinkage, inertia, isobaric self-contraction, supraluminal velocity, graviinertial stressed state, Einstein-Podolski-Rosen paradox, gravitational waves.

Reference list

[1].     Möller C., The Theory of Relativity, Clarendon Press Oxford, 1972

[2].     Danylchenko P.,  Phenomenological justification of relativistic shrinkage of the length of moving body, in: The Gauge-evolutional theory of the Creation, Ukraine, Vinnytsia, 1994, 1, 5

[3].     Lorentz H., The theory of electrons, Leipzig: Teubner, 1916

[4].     Danylchenko P., Foundations of the Gauge-evolutional theory of the Creation (space, time, gravitation and the Universe expansion), Ukraine,Vinnytsia,1994

[5].     Danylchenko P., Nonrigid frames of reference contracting in Minkowski space-time, in: The Gauge-evolutional theory of the Creation, Ukraine, Vinnytsia, 1994, 1, 52

[6].      Einstein A., Podolski B.,  Rosen N., Philos. Rev., 1935, 47, 7

2. The gauge foundations of special relativity (p. 15)

It is shown here that Lorentz transformations are caused by gauge effect of motion on matter (principle nonobservability of effect of motion on matter). This gauge effect of motion is caused by interdependence and mutual determination of propagation velocity of interaction between matter elementary particles and of rate of course of matter proper time. The Lorentz transformations are derived without any linearity assumptions and being based only on the presence of relativistic shrinkage of the length of moving body and on clock desynchronization at its slowest transfer along this body.

Keywords: Lorentz transformations, gauge effect of motion and gravity, physical vacuum, absolute space and time.

Reference list

[1].     Danylchenko P., Gauge Justification of Special Relativity, in: The Gauge-evolutional theory of the Creation, Ukraine, Vinnytsia, 1994, 1, 10

[2].     Danylchenko P, Foundations of the Gauge-evolutional theory of the Creation (space,time, gravitation and the Universe expansion), Ukraine,Vinnytsia, 1994

[3].     Lorentz H., The theory of electrons, Leipzig: Teubner, 1916

[4].     Danylchenko P., Nature of relativistic length shrinkage, in present collection

[5].     Möller C., The Theory of Relativity, Oxford: Clarendon Press Oxford, 1972

[6].      Danylchenko P., Physical essence of twins paradox, in present collection

3. Physical essence of twins paradox (p. 25)

The initial cause of unambiguously younger age of the second twin than age of the first twin at the moment of their meeting is pointed. This initial cause is not the accelerated motion of the second twin, but the fact of changing of its direction or just the velocity of its motion in space itself and, consequently, the fact of its transition from one inertial reference system of spatial coordinates and time (IFR) to another. This is concerned to changing in new IFR of spatial as well as of time coordinates of events, which have realized before, including events, information about which have not come to the twin by the moment of its transition to new IFR. It is shown that imaginary twin paradox (clock paradigm) takes place in general relativity (GR) only because of the impossibility of mutual distinguishing of standard time (path-like proper time of moving object) and coordinate-like internal time of the IFR (or any other FR) and because of neglect of the necessity of re-calculation of events time coordinates as a result.

Keywords: relativistic length shrinkage, inertia, isobaric self-contraction, supraluminal velocity, graviinertial stressed state, Einstein-Podolski-Rosen paradox, gravitational waves.

Reference list

[1].     Danylchenko P., Gauge foundations of special relativity, in present collection

[2].     Newton I., Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, London, 1686

[3].     Möller C., The Theory of Relativity, Oxford: Clarendon Press Oxford, 1972

4. About possibilities of physical unrealizability of cosmological and gravitational singularities in General relativity (p. 33)

The possibility to avoid physical realizability of cosmological singularity (singularity of Big Bang of the Universe) directly in the orthodoxal general theory of relativity (GR) is substantiated. This can take place in the case of counting of cosmological time in frame of reference of coordinates and time (FR) not co-moving with matter, in which by the Weyl hypothesis galaxies of the expanding Universe are motionless. The absence of any limitations of the value of mass of astronomical body, which self-contracts in Weyl FR, when it has hollow topological form in the space of Weyl FR and mirror symmetry of its intrinsic space, is shown. In view of this symmetry, both external and internal boundary surfaces of body are observed as convex. At that, in the “turned inside out” internal part of the intrinsic space (in the Fuller-Wheeler lost antiworld) unlike external part, instead of the phenomenon of expansion phenomenon of contraction of “internal universe” is observed. And there is antimatter instead of matter in this internal part of the space. Inevitability of self-organization in physical vacuum of spiral-wave structural elements, which correspond to elementary particles, is substantiated. Ultrahigh luminosity of quasars and certain types of supernovas is caused by annihilation of matter and antimatter.

Key words: General relativity, cosmological and gravitational singularities, Big Bang, Universe expansion, Weyl FR, gauge self-contraction of matter, black hole, hollow body, Fuller-Wheeler antiworld, quasar, supernova, physical vacuum, spiral-wave elements, wave front reversal, de Broglie frequency, Einstein-Podolski-Rosen paradox, antimatter, annihilation.

Reference list

[1].     Einstein, A., The Meaning of Relativity, Princeton: University Press, 1953

[2].     Ivanenko, D. D., in Einstein Centenarium, ed. H.-J. Treder, Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1979

[3].     Möller, C, in Astrofisica e Cosmologia Gravitazione Quanti e Relativita, Firenze: Giunti Barbera, 1982

[4].     Möller, C., in Einstein Centenarium, ed. H.-J. Treder Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1982

[5].     Hawking, S. W., in General Relativity, An Einstein Centenary Survey, ed. S. W. Hawking and W. Israel, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979

[6].     Hawking, S. W.,  Penrose, R.,  Proc. Roy. Soc., 1970, 314, 529

[7].     Weyl, H., Phys. Z., 1923, 24, 230

[8].     Weyl, H., Philos. Mag., 1930, 9, 936

[9].     Dirac, P. A. M., Directions in Physics, New York: J. Willey and Sons, 1978

[10].   Möller, C., The Theory of Relativity, Oxford: Clarendon Press Oxford, 1972

[11].   Lemaitre, G. J., Math. and Phys., 1925, 4, 188

[12].   Robertson, H. P., Philos. Mag., 1928, 5, 839

[13].   Danylchenko, P., Pseudoinertial contracting frames of reference, in: The Gauge-evolutional theory of the Creation (space, time, gravitation and the Universe expansion), Ukraine, Vinnytsia, 1994, 1, 22

[14].   Danylchenko, P., Foundations of the Gauge-evolutional theory of the Creation (space, time, gravitation and the Universe expansion), Ukraine, Vinnytsia, 1994

[15].   Danylchenko, P., The nature of relativistic length shrinkage, in present collection

[16].   Danylchenko, P., The gauge foundations of special relativity, in present collection

[17].   Linde, A. D., Particle Physics and Inflationary Cosmology, Switzerland, Chur: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1990

[18].   Hawking, S. W., Ellis, G. F., The large scale structure of spacetime, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1973

[19].   Fuller, R. W., Wheeler, J. A., Phis. Rev., 1962, 128, 919

[20].   Wheeler, J. A., in Gravitation and Relativity, ed. H.-J. Chiu and W. F. Hoffmann, New York – Amsterdam: W.A. Benjamin. Inc., 1964

[21].   Mikhailov, A. S., Foundations of Synergetics I. Distributed Active Systems, 2nd revised edition; Berlin: Springer 1994

[22].   Danylchenko, P., Nonrigid frames of references of coordinates and time, which self-contract in Minkowski space-time, in: The Gauge-evolutional theory of the Creation (space, time, gravitation and the Universe expansion), Ukraine, Vinnytsia, 1994, 1, 52

5. Phenomenological justification of linear element of Schwarzschild solution of GR gravitational field equations (p. 62)

The possibility of getting a linear element (interval) of Schwarzschild frame of reference of spatial coordinates and time (FR) is shown, founded on the existence of Newton absolute space, which is formally independent on matter and is only a container for it [1]. In addition to it, the presence of evolutionary changeability and spatial inhomogeneity of properties of the physical vacuum (PV), filling all this absolutely rigid (nonexpanding) Euclidean (noncurved) infinite space, is assumed.

KEY WORDS: Schwarzschild FR, absolute space, evolutional variability of the properties of PV, Hubble relation, de Sitter Universe.

Reference list

[1].     Newton, I., Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, London, 1686

[2].     Danylchenco, P., Pseudoinertial contracting frame of reference, in: The Gauge-evolutional theory of the Creation (space, time, gravitation and the Universe expansion), Ukraine, Vinnytsia, 1994, 1, 22

[3].     Danylchenko, P., Foundations of the Gauge-evolutional theory of the Creation (space, time, gravitation and the Universe expansion), Ukraine, Vinnytsia, 1994

[4].     Danylchenko, P.,  About possibilities of physical unrealizability of cosmological and gravitational singularities in General Relativity, in present collection

[5].     Danylchenko, P., The gauge foundations of special relativity, in present collection

[6].     Möller, C., The Theory of Relativity, Oxford: Clarendon Press Oxford, 1972

[7].     Gliner, E. B., UFN, 2001, 172, 221

[8].     De Sitter, W., Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 1916, 76, 699; 77, 155   

[9].     Lemaitre, G. J., Math. and Phys., 1925, 4, 188

[10].   Robertson, H. P., Philos. Mag., 1928, 5, 839

[11].   Weyl, H., Phys. Z., 1923, 24, 230

[12].   Weyl, H., Philos. Mag., 1930, 9, 936

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Павло Даныльченко
Винница, Украина
476 просмотров рейтинг
24.03.2019 (1861 дней(я) назад)
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