By Academician Gennady KOTELNIKOV, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Head of Samara State Medical University; Alexander YASHKOV, Dr. Sc. (Med.), Head of the Chair of Rehabilitation Medicine, SPA and Physiotherapy of the same University; Mikhail KOTELNIKOV, Cand. Sc. (Med.), Deputy Head Physician, M. Kalinin Samara Regional Clinical Hospital Nonmedicamentous regulatory therapy is now more and more often used in the treatment of various diseases. It is well combined with drug therapy, but can be used as monotherapy. Among the novel Russian treatment modalities in this sphere is a method developed by scientists of Samara State Medical University: treatment by means of hypergravitation. Man has been exposed to the force of gravitation of the Earth throughout entire biological evolution. As a result, systems perceiving gravitation and reacting to its changes by special restructuring and locomotor reactions have formed in human body. The muscles, skeleton, vestibular system, viscera, blood vessels develop under conditions of permanent exposure to this force. Due to technological progress (we mean here special centrifuges) it became possible to modify the level of gravitation for a period sufficient to evoke the physiological adaptive response with a stable trace effect in experimental conditions. Rotation in a centrifuge involves exposure to a centrifugal force of the craniocaudal (longitudinal) direction with a head-feet vector. As a result, the liquid media are redistributed in the стр. 44 body from the upper part to the vessels of the abdominal cavity and lower limbs. The feet are exposed to the greatest overloading along the longitudinal axis. These forces are negligible for the head and are not associated with appreciable disorders in the local circulation. Many scientists agree that hemodynamic disorders play the key role in the genesis of physiological shifts in human body during exposure to hypergravitation ... Read more

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