M. "Science". 1976. 231 pp. The print run is 9,500. Price 1 rub. 4 kopecks.
The book by V. M. Gridnev, Candidate of Historical Sciences (Plekhanov Institute of National Economy), is devoted to a problem that has not yet been sufficiently developed in Soviet historiography - the struggle of the Soviet peasantry against the agrarian policy of the Hitlerite invaders and shows the essence of the fascist occupation regime. The author examines the situation of the rural population mainly in those areas of the Russian Federation occupied by the enemy that were not part of the partisan territories and zones. So far, only one monograph has covered these two issues.
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closely related problems 1 . However, it considers only the economic aspects of both the occupation policy of the Nazis and the resistance of the population to the invaders in the cities and rural settlements of all the occupied regions of the country. V. M. Gridnev limited the geographical scope of the topic (the occupied regions of one republic - the RSFSR) and the object of research (the agrarian policy of the occupiers and the struggle of the rural population against it), which allowed him to characterize in more depth all types of struggle of the peasantry not only against economic, but also against political, administrative, military and other measures of the fascist invaders.
Other researchers are also concerned with the problem of the struggle of the Soviet peasantry against the Nazi occupiers .2 However, until recently, not a single monograph has been published that deals in its entirety with the national struggle behind enemy lines, or even with the struggle of the peasantry in the occupied regions as a whole in the RSFSR. Studies on the struggle of the peasantry against the invaders in the territory of this republic are devoted either to its individual areas, or to certain aspects of the problem, primarily to the issues of party leadership in the struggle of the peasants against the fascist invaders in the occupied areas .3 Only N. I. Makarov's monograph4 covers the history of the national struggle against the Nazi invaders throughout the occupied territory of the RSFSR.
V. M. Gridne's book in a can be considered as the first generalizing work on the struggle of the peasantry in the occupied part of the Russian Federation against the Nazis. For the first time in Soviet historiography, he comprehensively analyzed the agrarian policy of the fascist invaders and their occupation regime in the Soviet countryside .5 The author introduced a lot of new materials and documents of the enemy on the issues of occupation policy in the Czech Republic, revealed the peculiarities of this policy in various regions of the RSFSR.
V. M. Gridnev reveals the difficult conditions of the struggle of the Soviet peasantry against the fascist invaders outside the partisan territories and zones. It should be noted that these areas are much poorer represented in the deposited historical sources of that time. The monograph is deeply motivated by the patriotism of the collective farm peasantry. The author convincingly shows that the collective farmers of the occupied regions of the Russian Federation fought against the fascist invasion, for the Soviet socialist system, and that they were not a "third force" that seemed to waver between fascist Germany and the Soviet government, as bourgeois falsifiers try to portray it. The book testifies to the mass resistance of the peasantry.-
1 M. M. Zagorulko, A. F. Yudenkov. The collapse of the Oldenburg plan. On the disruption of the economic plans of fascist Germany in the occupied territory of the USSR, Moscow, 1974. The first, much smaller edition of this book was published in 1970 under the title "The collapse of the economic plans of Nazi Germany in the occupied territory of the USSR".
2 L. E. Kizya. Народнi месники. Lviv. 1960; A. I. Zalessky. In partisan territories and zones. Patriotic feat of the Soviet peasantry behind enemy lines (1941-1944). Moscow, 1962; his. Behind enemy lines. The struggle of the peasantry of Belarus against the socio-economic measures of the German-fascist invaders. Minsk. 1969; his own. Heroic feat of millions behind enemy lines. Help of the population of partisan zones to the people's avengers. Minsk. 1970; his own. Дарогамі партызанскай Беларуси. Minsk. 1974; M. V. Koval. Історія пам'ятає (Кривавий шлях фашистів на Україні). Kiev, 1965; his own. Everything for peremogi. Kiev, 1970; S. P. Lauta. Колгоспне селянство РадянськоТ Україні в роки Великої Вітичизняної війни. Київ. 1965; В.І. Кучер. Партизанські краї і зони на Україні в роки Великої Вітчизняної війни. Kiev, 1964; "Ukrainian SSR in the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union". Tt. 1-3. Kiev. 1975, et al.
3 P. R. Sheverdalkin. Partisan war on the Novgorod land. Novgorod, 1957; same name. The heroic struggle of the Leningrad Partisans. L. 1959; his. Communist Party-organizer of the struggle of the Soviet people in the rear of the German-fascist army group "North". L. 1963; G. I. Ivanov. Behind enemy lines. Maykop, 1959; his own. The Communist Party is the organizer and leader of the national struggle in the rear of the Nazi occupiers. Krasnodar. 1969; his own. In the rear of the frontline, Moscow, 1971; "Narodnaya voina v rearu vraego", Moscow, 1971; V. I. Smirnov. Party leadership in the struggle of the Soviet peasantry against the enemy in the occupied territory (1941-1944). Author's abstract. diss. M. 1975, et al.
4 N. I. Makarov. Nepokorennaya zemlya Rossiiskaya, Moscow, 1976.
5 See also: V. M. Gridnev. The struggle of the Soviet peasantry against the fascist occupation regime. Voprosy Istorii, 1973, No. 6, et al.
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chikam in the entire occupied territory of the republic-from the Leningrad region to the Cossack districts of the Don and Kuban. The peasants everywhere actively fought against the invaders, although, naturally, this struggle took various forms depending on the totality of the prevailing local conditions. All of them are reflected in the monograph.
The struggle of Soviet patriots against the fascist invaders took place under the leadership of the Communist Party. A large number of primary party organizations, district committees, city committees, inter-district committees, and district party committees operated behind enemy lines. But in many districts (especially outside the partisan territories and zones) there were no underground party organs, and V. M. Gridnev shows in detail how the party leadership of the struggle of the Soviet peasantry was carried out here. This is a serious positive aspect of his work. Some recent scientific works raise the question of the ideological influence of the Communist Party on the population of the occupied territories and its ideological leadership of the national struggle against the invaders, even in those areas where there were no underground party bodies, of the close combination and unity of the organizational and practical activities of underground party bodies with the strongest ideological influence of the enemy lines 6 . This makes it possible to show that the Communist Party and its Central Committee, through such channels of information as radio, leaflets and newspapers thrown over the front line, as well as through individual party members, Komsomol members and non-party activists, exerted a tremendous influence on the broad masses of the population, even in areas where there were no underground party organizations at the moment. bodies and organizations (the most organized struggle in the enemy's rear unfolded exactly where they existed). As the book under review shows, this was also the case in the occupied regions of the RSFSR. Such specific forms and methods of leading the Communist Party in the struggle of the broad masses of the peasantry
V. M. Gridnev paid insufficient attention.
Another drawback of the book is that the author does not use such a concept accepted in historical literature as "false collective farms". Collective farms of Soviet peasants, captured and subordinated to the Nazis, they continued to call collective farms in 1941 for the successful harvest. In fact, the latter ceased to be such, since they lost their socialist character, since collective farm property was turned into the property of the fascist state. In our opinion, it is wrong to call farms that were under the control of the invaders in 1941 collective farms, as V. M. Gridnev does (see pp. 63, 112, etc.). The authors correctly identified the stages of the occupiers ' agrarian policy, but when using the term "collective farms" instead of "false collective farms", he was inevitably forced to write that since the second half of February 1942, communal farms were also created by the Nazis "on the basis of former collective farms" (p. 116), while in reality the basis for communal farms was in the spring of 1942 these were no longer former collective farms, but pseudo-collective farms.
The author gives a good historiographical overview of the problem. Similar reviews (on their own issues and periods) were more or less successfully made by other Hawaiian historians. This gives grounds to speak about the need to create special historiographical works about the national struggle behind enemy lines, including the history of armed partisan actions, the activities of underground fighters and the resistance of the civilian unarmed population. It is necessary to understand what has already been studied, what is valuable, what has appeared in the literature, what is better and what is worse covered, what are its shortcomings and what are the ways to overcome them, what are the tasks that historians face in further effective development of the problem of national struggle in the rear of the fascist invaders. Some progress has been made in this area. Historians have taken a broad path of studying the national struggle, including its organic component, such as the resistance of the unarmed population to the invaders. V. M. Gridnev's book is a significant milestone on this path.
6 "At the head of the defense of the Soviet Homeland". М. 1975, стр. 103 - 105, 112, 314; "Гісторыя Беларускай ССР". Т. 4. Мiнск. 1975, star. 329; А. И. Залескі Дарогамі партызанскай Беларуси стар. 216 - 218, 230 - 236.
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