S. V. Leshchinsky 1, E. N. Mashchenko 2, E. A. Ponomareva 3, L. A. Orlova 4, E. M. Burkanova 1, V. A. Konovalova 1, I. I. Teterina 3, K. M. Gevlya 1
1 Tomsk State University
36 Lenin Ave., Tomsk, 634050, Russia
E-mail: sl@ggf.tsu.ru
2 Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
123 Trade Union Street, Moscow, 117868, Russia
E-mail: evmash@paleo.ru
3 JSC "West Siberian Testing Center"
Ordzhonikidze str., 9, Novokuznetsk, 456008, Russia
4 Institute of Geology SB RAS
3 Akademika Koptyuga Ave., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
E-mail: orlova@uiggm.nsc.ru
A large-scale study of the Pleistocene in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug was conducted in the 1960s and 1980s. However, many accessible areas are still poorly understood in terms of vertebrate fossils. Perhaps one of the reasons for this is hidden in the confrontation between two diametrically opposed concepts of the paleogeographic development of the region: ice-marine, based on the assumption of a broad development of marine transgressions and the separation of terrigenous material by drifting ice and icebergs (Chochia and Evdokimov, 1993), and glacial (which is held by most scientists, including the authors of the article). based on the hypothesis of repeated continental glaciations in the northern part of Western Siberia and the spread of extensive glacial-dam basins (Volkov, 1969; Arkhipov and Volkova, 1994).
Lugovskoye, located 25 km west of Khanty-Mansiysk (1 km south-east of the former village of Akhtino), is the only location with massive remains of mammoth fauna and the only one in the district with Paleolithic artifacts. The name comes from the village. 1). The locality is located in the Ob River Valley, in the extreme south-east of the Sosva-Belogorsky district, within the Northern (glacial) lithofacial zone (Unified Regional Stratigraphic Scheme..., 2000). It is confined to the marginal eroded part of the left-bank I floodplain terrace of the Maramka Channel, the southernmost (extreme) in the Ob basin (Fig. 2).The channel dries up in late summer and has a width of 3 - 20 m, a depth of up to 1 m (the surface height of the I floodplain terrace above the low - water level is usually 5-7 m). Fossils and cultural remains are found in the stream's sediments
The work was financially supported by the Museum of Nature and Man of the Department of Culture and Art of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (Khanty-Mansiysk), the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (projects N 03 - 05 - 65252, 03 - 06 - 80289, 03 - 05 - 64434), Grant of the President of the Russian Federation (N MK-3291.2004.5). The authors are grateful Director of the Museum of Nature and Man L. V. Stepanova and Head of the Paleontological Department A. F. Pavlov for their assistance in organizing research.
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Fig. 1. Overview map of the research area, a-field work area in the area of Lugovskoye locality; b - Khanty-Mansiysk-Nyagan highway.
Fig. 2. Map-diagram of the Lugovskoe locality site,
a - research area; b - studied area.
(the mouth is about 60°57 ' 30 "N, 68°32' 20 " E), which cuts through the terrace in the transverse direction and flows into the channel (Fig. 3). The depth of the erosion incision (more than 5 m) determines the small absolute height of the location - 20 m. Weak geological activity of the watercourse makes it possible to clearly identify the distribution band of faunal remains-300 m upstream from the mouth, width up to 30 m.
In 1998 - 2002, more than 4.5 thousand people were collected at the site. fossils (both whole and fragments, including small fragments) with a clear predominance of mammoth ones. The site is unique because it contains fragments of mammoth skeletons, embryo bones, and ancient Stone Age artifacts (Pavlov and Mashchenko, 2001). Complex paleontological and stratigraphic ra-
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3. View from the south of the Maramka bayou.
4. Earthworks in the bottom sediments of the stream containing bone-bearing horizons.
5. Section I of the above-floodplain terrace on the left bank of the stream.
The troubles of 2002-2004 were mainly caused by an unclear geological structure, a complex taphonomy of the site, and archaeological finds. The paleogeographic and paleogeodynamic settings of the time of sediment formation remained completely unclear. These tasks were successfully solved during field and desk work, which revealed the high prospects of Lugovsky and the entire Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug in terms of paleontological, stratigraphic and archaeological studies of the Pleistocene.
Research methods
The research included the study of the geological structure and topography, various groups of organic remains, taphonomic observations, as well as isotope dating, geographical and geodynamic reconstructions. The work, which consisted of field (2002) and desk (2003 - 2004) stages, was started with the organization of a comprehensive study as a whole and correlation of existing material. First of all, we drew up a general layout plan (M 1 : 1000) and a work plan (M 1: 500), which are necessary for the deployment of multi-year research*.
The main task of 2002 - the collection of new factual material-was solved with the classical description of sections, detailed sampling (in situ) of rocks and fossils. It is necessary to note the very difficult conditions for sinking pits and ditches, since the studied deposits are mainly represented by clay quicksand (Fig. 4). Despite strengthening with sheets of multilayer plywood and stakes, the workings were accessible
* See the article by V. N. Zenin, S. V. Leshchinsky, K. V. Zolotarev and others in this issue of the journal.
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to study no more than 5-30 minutes, which caused a very intense rhythm of work.
In-house processing of the obtained material was based on complex laboratory paleontological, lithological, and radiocarbon studies [Grichuk and Zaklavskaya, 1948; Vedeneeva and Vikulova, 1952; Oshurkova, 1959; Pollen..., 1961; Starik, 1961; Kupriyanova, 1965; Nikitin, 1969, 1970; Kupriyanova and Alyoshina, 1972, 1978; Ananova,1978]. 1974; Kazmina, 1975; Monoszon, 1976; Bobrov et al., 1983; Sher and Garutt, 1985; Arslanov, 1987; Kovalenko, 1988; Practical guide..., 1989; Maschenko, 2002; etc.].
Main results of field work
To study the geological structure, the position of fossils in the sedimentary column and their relationship with cultural remains, sections were described at six observation points (so-called). 35 rock samples and more than 20 fossils were selected for paleogeographic and geodynamic reconstructions, and determination of the isotopic age of sediments. 271 stone artefacts*were discovered during the washing of the bottom sediments. Brief descriptions of the sections are provided below.
Observation point 1 - section I of the erosion-accumulative floodplain terrace on the left bank of the stream at the 22nd reference point (Fig. 5). The description is given from top to bottom.
Layer 1. Modern soil, represented by turf with clay brownish-gray sand. The sole is not pronounced. The layer thickness is 0.05 - 0.1 m. The sediments are probably laid according to.
Layer 2. Clay brownish-gray fine-grained quartz sand with specks of humus and coal primers. The sole is indistinct, uneven, but clear. Layer thickness up to 0.1 m. The sediments are laid out without visible inconsistencies.
Layer 3. Light gray fine-grained quartz sand. In general, the texture is mottled (due to rust-brown spots of iron oxides), but in the sole, due to interlayers (2-10 cm) of brown - brown clay sand, it is banded. The layer thickness is about 0.8 m. The sediments may overlap the underlying formations with erosion.
Layer 4. Brown-brown sanded, ironed clay with a greasy gloss on the fracture. The overall texture is massive. The roof of the layer is flame-shaped, has an azimuth drop of about 40° at an angle of about 20°, which indicates obvious defluction processes. The sole is very uneven, but clear. The thickness of the layer is 0.1-0.2 m. The sediments are underlain without visible inconsistencies.
Layer 5.Fine-grained quartz sand (floodplain alluvium). Puffs (0.1-2 cm) light gray, yellowish - and brownish-gray, horizontal, sometimes wavy. There are layers (up to 1 cm) of sandy gray clays. At the sole, the ply becomes thinner and a mottled texture appears. The layer is quite heavily ironed, especially in the roof. The bottom is distinguished by a massive interlayer of clay-like viscous brownish-gray quartz sand, bounded by dense iron-coated strata of red and black color (Fig. 6).The thickness of this interlayer is about 0.1 m (it increases downhill). The roof is clear, flame-shaped; the sole is uneven (wavy, less often flame-shaped) and less distinct. Layer thickness up to 1.6 m. Sediments with erosion occur on the underlying rocks.
Layer 6 (base). Bluish-gray (due to oxidation to greenish-gray) dense, very hygroscopic clay (Fig. 6). The texture is mostly massive, but there are thin horizontal sanded layers (on average, 1 mm). Sometimes (with a frequency of about 4 cm) puffs with a purple tint are observed. The rock is very viscous and saturated with water - a powerful water-resistant horizon. Power 1.2 m. The sole is indistinct, but clear (gradual transition to the underlying sediments).
Layer 7 (base). Brownish-gray (sometimes with a purple tinge) massive, dense, very hygroscopic clay. At 0.3 m below the roof, there are flat pellets of grassy peat (up to 3×3×0.5 cm). The apparent thickness is more than 1 m, including more than 0.5 m below the surface of modern deposits of the stream.
Observation points 2-4 - a composite section of the floodplain deposits of the stream, compiled from pits between reference points 18 and 11. Description from top to bottom.
Layer 1. Modern brownish-gray silty deposits, heavily ironed, very viscous and hygroscopic, have the consistency of liquid sour cream closer to the streambed. The rock is rich in plant detritus, fragments of bones and teeth of mammoths and other mammals. Layer thickness up to 0.2 m. Deposits probably occur intermittently.
Layer 2. Thin -, horizontal -, rarely oblique -, and wavy-layered sandy-clay deposits. They are represented by layers and lenses (up to 2 cm) of bluish-gray, gray, brownish-gray clay, plant detritus (Fig. 7), and sometimes fine - and medium-grained quartz sand. From the roof to the bottom of the layer, the thickness of the layers increases to 5 cm, and the surfaces of the layers between them become
* See the article by V. N. Zenin, S. V. Leshchinsky, K. V. Zolotarev and others in this issue of the journal.
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6. Middle and lower parts of section I of the above-floodplain terrace.
7. Section of bottom sediments along the strike of layers (4 m from the line of reference points 18, 19, so-called 2). Detritus layers are perfectly distinguished in the clay layer.
Fig. 8. Section of bottom sediments along the fall of layers (near the streambed, 10 m from the line of reference points 18, 19, so-called n. 2).
more clearly defined. Often there is a drop of layers along the stream at an angle of up to 7°, and closer to the channel it reaches 20° (Fig. 8). Lenses and loose interlayers of dark brown grassy peat are often found. So, at reference point 12 (so-called 3), the main layer of peat (up to 0.2 m) is fixed 0.1 m below the roof. Here, mammalian bone remains lie in the peat, above and below it. No anatomical positions were detected*. Directly under the peat
* A. F. Pavlov and E. N. Mashchenko (2001) noted in situ some parts of mammoth skeletons.
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the scapula and thoracic vertebra of a mammoth were found to partially lie in the sole of this interlayer. The find is unique - the vertebra has a hole from an ancient man's tool*. Paleolithic artifacts were found in the roof of the layer near the 18th reference point (so-called 2). Near the 11th reference point (so-called 4), two bone-bearing horizons are distinguished. The first (about 0.1 m), lying relatively horizontally, is confined directly to the roof; the second (main, about 0.2 m) abruptly sinks to the streambed from 0.2 m to 0.6 m below the roof. The visible thickness of the layer is more than 1 m.
Observation point 5 - section II of the erosion terrace above the floodplain (?) on the left bank of the stream, 100 m upstream from the highway (up to 1 m above the road). Described from top to bottom.
Layer 1. Modern soil, represented by turf with an admixture of gray clay. The sole is indistinct. The thickness of the layer is 0.05-0.1 m. Deposits are laid with a long break.
Layer 2. Bluish-gray massive dense clay (analogous to layer 6 t. n. 1). The rock is very viscous and saturated with water, it is a local water-resistant horizon (the surrounding area is very swampy). The visible power is more than 0.8 m.
Observation point 6 - a section of the floodplain on the right bank of the Maramka Channel (100 m below the mouth of the "bone-bearing" stream). Description from the water's edge up (the edge is 1 m below the zero reference point).
Layer 1. Bluish-gray massive, dense, viscous, very hygroscopic clay (possibly analogous to layer 6 t. n. 1). The roof of the layer is indistinct, uneven, but clear. There are dark brownish-gray spots on the surface of the stratification (eroded soil?). The visible thickness of the layer is more than 0.7 m. The sediments may have been overlain by overlying sediments due to erosion.
Layer 2. Light brownish-gray clay sand. The roof is indistinct, but clear and wavy. The thickness of the layer is about 0.3 m. The sediments are probably overlain intermittently.
Layer 3. Buried soil of the hydromorphic type - brownish-black viscous (water-resistant), humusized, sanded clay (5-10 cm), overlain by dark brown peat of the meadow-marsh type (3-10 cm). The roof of the layer is clear and wavy. The sediments appear to be intermittently overlain by overlying sediments.
Layer 4. Brownish-gray dense, very iron-rich and hygroscopic clay (water-resistant). The thickness is 1.2 m. The surface of the stratification is indistinct, there is a gradual transition.
Layer 5. Gray sanded clay with a reddish tinge. The texture is mottled, sometimes horizontally layered due to rare layers and lenses of gray quartz sand (up to 2 cm). The thickness of the layer is 1.3 m. The stratification surface is distinguished by a thin layer (up to 2 cm) of buried grayish-black soil. The deposits are overlapped without any apparent disagreement.
Layer 6. Indistinctly wavy-layered, rarely horizontal-layered deposits. They are represented by layers of brownish-gray clay (up to 5 cm, accounting for approximately 60 % of the layer volume) and gray quartz sand (up to 1 cm). The thickness of the layer is 0.8 m. The roof is indistinct, but clear; deposits gradually pass into the overlying ones.
Layer 7. Modern soil-turf with clay brownish-gray sand. Power -0.05 m.
Comprehensive laboratory tests
Analysis of the mammalian fauna. The composition of mammals in Lugovsky corresponds to the "mammoth complex" and includes 13 taxa: Lepus sp., Microtus sp., Alopex lagopus L., Canis lupus L., Ursus arctos L., Panthera spelaea (Gold.), Mammuthus primigenius Blum., Coelodonta antiquitatis Blum., Equus caballus L., Rangifer tarandus L., Alces sp., Bison sp., Ovibos (?) sp. [Pavlov et al., 2002; Maschenko et al., 2003]. To date, -5.5 thousand rubles have been collected. fossils (more than 60 % - small fragments). Mammoth bones and teeth absolutely predominate (more than 98 %). Four relatively complete skeletons are presented. One of them, found in 1999, was determined by morphological characteristics as belonging to an adult female (change of teeth M2 / M3; the maximum height of the skeleton is about 2.3 m). It is probably one of the smallest known mammoths in Western Siberia. In total, the bones of at least 27 mammoths, both adults and cubs, were collected at Lugovsky, which probably indicates the non-simultaneous, indiscriminate death of animals. The age distribution is as follows: about 40 % - remains of immature individuals. The remaining bones and teeth belong to adult animals: females, including two pregnant women (the bones of two embryos were found), and at least two males. Apparently, the site of the locality was visited by both family groups consisting of females with young, and males (Maschenko, 2002). Second place among large mammals in terms of the number of collected bone remains (about 20 pieces). from seven or more individuals, including a cub) is occupied by a woolly rhinoceros. Other species are represented by isolated finds. Among the bone remains of predators, the bones of a wolf (at least three individuals) and an arctic fox (at least two) predominate, while brown bear and cave bear predominate.
* For more information, see the article by V. N. Zenin, S. V. Leshchinsky, K. V. Zolotarev and others in this issue of the journal.
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They were identified only by fragments of teeth. Rodents are represented by -50 disjointed teeth and several jaw fragments.
Microfaunal analysis. Approximately 80 % of the rock samples taken from the Lugovsky sections do not contain fossil microfauna. Nevertheless, two ostracod complexes have been identified. The first one, from the lower visible part of the basement of the first aboveground terrace (layer 7, so-called 1), includes Candona rectangulata Aim., C. neglecta Sars, C. sp. (larvae), Candoniella subellipsoida Scharapova, Limnocythere cf. inopinata (Baird), L. sanctipatricii Brady et Robertson, L. baltica Diebel, L. cf falcata Diebel, Ilyocypris bradyi Sars. A special feature is the predominance of the species Candoniella subellipsoida Scharapova (more than 50 %), which has a wide stratigraphic distribution (starting from the Upper Pliocene) and is well adapted to an unstable habitat (Lipagina, 1976)*. Ecological characteristics of the biotope suggest that the formation of host sediments took place in the fresh (floodplain?) a reservoir with a depth of up to several meters with frequently changing temperature and hydraulic mode. The species composition of the complex is typical of the Middle-late Pleistocene, but the taxa ratios and other features suggest a boundary age of the Kazantsev-Ermakov deposits.
The second complex comes from the bone-bearing deposits of the stream (layer 2, so-called 2, 3): Candona rectangulata Aim., C. arcinaLiepin, C. candidaMvller, C. fabaeformis Fisch., C. neglecta Sars, C. sp. (larvae), Candoniella subellipsoida Scharapova, C. kasachstanica Schneider, Limnocythere sanctipatricii Brady et Robertson, L. cf. falcata Diebel, L. dorsotuberculata Negadaev, L. grinfeldi Liepin, L. sp., Ilyocypris bradyi Sars, Cytherissa lacustris Sars, Eucypris sp. Probably, the generic and species diversity reflects more favorable conditions for the development of ostracods. However, in the roof of layer 2, there are many valves of the eurythermal and euryhaline species Candoniella subellipsoida Scharapova (about 40% of the total number), which may indicate an increase in the amplitude and/or rate of changes in the temperature and hydro regime of the basin at the turn of the Pleistocene and Holocene. The presence of stenothermic-cold-loving Candona species-active iloids, a significant percentage of the crenophile Ilyocypris bradyi Sars, and the presence of a cold-lovingCytherissa lacustris Sars, which lives on the muddy bottom, suggest that the formation of sediments occurred in shallow water of a moderately cold (up to 15 °C) reservoir with developed underwater vegetation.
In general, the complexes are characterized by an impoverished ostracod fauna, represented by whole leaves and fragments belonging to adult and larval individuals. Both lacustrine forms and potamophiles are present; this suggests a periodic connection of sedimentation basins with the river (probably during high water). It is also necessary to note the mollusks in the surface sediments of the stream: Valvata sp. and Armiger crista-modern species that live in small reservoirs of the old type. In addition, isolated radiolarians were detected. They belong to the order Spumellaria, the development of which began in the Ordovician and continues to this day. There is no doubt that these fossils were redeposited, since they were found in very young formations - the upper part of the First aboveground terrace, bottom sediments (even a surface sample!) and you'll understand. The source of these finds is probably marine pre-Quaternary rocks in the surrounding area.
Carpological analysis. In the studied sections, three groups of heterogeneous and multi-temporal complexes of seeds and fruits are distinguished.
Complexes from the lower visible part of the basement of the first aboveground terrace (layer 7, so-called n. 1) contain remains of flora that indicate the existence of floodplain grasslands with the participation of representatives of the families Poaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rosaceae, etc. In quantitative terms, the dominant position is occupied by Roaceae, and in the diversity of genera and species - by Suregaceae (various Carex sp., Schoenoplectus sp., Eriophorum sp. are noted). Aquatic plants are singly represented by Chara, Potamogeton sp., Batrachium sp., which indicates small reservoirs of the "window" type on the territory of the meadow. Seeds and fruits of woody plants were not found, as well as exotic plants that are not typical of the modern floristic zone of the studied area. The absence of cold-loving species indicates that meadow associations existed in a temperate climate (possibly at the end of the Kazantsev thermochron).
Complexes isolated from bottom sediments (layer 2, so - called 2-4) embedded in the formations of the First above-flood terrace and containing bone-bearing horizons, mixed (mixochronous, according to P. A. Nikitin (Nikitin V. P., 1969)). They have an original species composition and contain a large group of redeposited carpoids. Especially characteristic are many diasporidia of Miocene-Middle Pleistocene small aquatic ferns of the genera Azolla sp. and Salvinia sp., in particular the species
* Currently, crustaceans classified in the series Candoniella are considered by many researchers to be larvae of various species of the genus Candona.
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A. interglacialica Nikit. (up to 30 megaspores or more). Seeds and fruits in the redeposited group have traces of transportation and different colors, which reflects the complex formation environment of both the oryctocenosis itself and the host deposits. At the same time, the described complexes contain remains of a typical Late Pleistocene appearance, without traces of transportation. Such carpoids, apparently synchronous to the host sediments, are united in a monochronous group, the core of which is made up of modern West Siberian plants. It is characterized by wetland and mesophytic representatives of the families Suregaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rosaceae, Lamiaceae. Wetlands dominate: Sparganium sp., Potamogeton sp., Scheuchzeria sp., Carex sp., Scirpus sp., Eleocharis sp., Batrachium sp., Elatine sp., Hippuris sp., Menyanthes sp. etc. Mesophytic species are few: Chenopodium cf. album L., Ch. glaucum L., Polygonum tomentosum Schrank, Potentilla anserina L., P. supina L., Mentha arvensis L., etc. The grasses are represented by single frigophilic plants typical of the Arctoalpine zone: Carex pauciflora Lightf. vi Papaver nudicaule L. as well as rather cold-loving buttercups (Ranunculus Flammula L.). Seeds and fruits of woody plants are practically absent, only isolated Betula pubescens Ehrh., B. sp. and Pice a obovata Ledeb are recorded.
Interesting remains of flora from peat interlayers. They are characteristic of the association of sedge swamp, where in addition to numerous sedges (Carex atherodes Spreng, C. canescens L., C. pallescens L., C. rostrata Stokes, C ex gr. A and C) other marsh species are represented: Jungus gerardii Loisel, Caltha palustris L., Eleocharis palustris R.Br., Rorippa palustris (L.) Bess., Pedicularis palustris L., Valeriana palustris L., etc." Windows " and hollows were occupied by aquatic plants: Batrachium sp., Potamogeton filiformis Pers, P. gramineus L. Elatine hydropiper L. and Hippuris vulgaris L. The grasses were used to produce representatives of the mesophytic families Chenopodiaceae and Caryophyllaceae (Gypsophila paniculata L., Silene sp., Chenopodium album, Potentilla argentea L.). Birch woodlands with bird cherry (Padus racemosa (Lam.) Gilib.), honeysuckle (Lonicera sp.), Viburnum (Viburnum sp.) and alder (Duschekia sp.) were developed in the swamp. In addition,Betulanana L. and Adoxamoschatellina L. were recorded. - representatives of psychophytic plants.
Thus, during the formation of deposits containing bone-bearing horizons, the landscape was a mixed grass swampy meadows with small lakes and / or old trees, rare trees and shrubs. A dwarf birch (Betula nana L.) may have occupied some parts of the territory. The plant association existed in a moderately cool climate (somewhat harsher than the present one) at the end of the Sartan Cryochron-the beginning of the Holocene.
Typically, Holocene plant complexes were isolated from modern soil (so-called 1), the upper layer of the bottom sediment of a stream (so-called 2), and floodplain sediments (so-called 6). They reflect plant associations that are close to abstract ones. A birch forest with dwarf birch (Betula nana L.) and alder (Duschekia sp.) is being reconstructed (with the participation of spruce - Picea obovata Ledeb.) on a mixed-grass floodplain meadow. The herbaceous stage is diverse: various species of sedge (Suregaseae), buttercups (Ranunculus sp.), basilisks (Thalictrum sp.), violets (Viola sp.) and mint (Mentha sp.). Among aquatic plants, Sparganium sp., Potamogeton sp., Hippuris sp., Naumburgia sp. are represented. mesophytes - Poligonum aviculare L., Chenopodium sp., C arum carvi L., Bidens tripartita L. and species that tolerate excessive moisture-Thalictrum minus L., Mentha arvensis L., Ranunculus flammula L. etc. This composition is mainly characteristic of the Subatlantic and Subboreal periods of the Holocene.
Spore-pollen analysis. Based on the analysis of spore-pollen spectra (SPS) extracted from Lugovsky sediments, it is possible to reconstruct the history of vegetation development in the study area for seven types of paleofloristic associations.
SPS from the lower visible part of the basement of the first aboveground terrace (layer 7, so-called n. 1) showed the dominance (37-70% of the total spectrum composition) of pollen from coniferous and small-leaved trees, with the predominance of myospores of Pinus sp. Grasses (3.4 - 9.2 %) are represented by pollen from Asteraceae, Chenopodiaceae, Ranunculaceae, and Rosaceae. Spores (16.7 - 25.5 %) belong to Bryidae, Sphagnum sp. and Polypodiaceae. A special feature of SPS isolated in the lower part of the layer is the presence of Trapa sp. grains, as well as the predominance of Sphagnum sp.grains among spores. Pollen from Picea sp. appears in the roof of the layer. and cf. Larix sp., and Bryidae grains begin to dominate among the spores. Thus, various types of taiga forests were distributed within the studied territory during the formation of layer 7 deposits.
SPS from the upper part of the basement of the First above-flood terrace (layer 6, so-called 1) are sharply different in composition from the above ones. While maintaining the predominance of tree pollen (about 40 % of the total spectrum composition), small and deformed Betula spp grains dominate in this group (about 90%). The role (more than 17% of the total spectrum composition) and species diversity of shrubs increases: Alnus sp., Alnastr sp., Caprifoliaceae, Ericaceae and Salix sp. Grass pollen belongs to eight taxa and mostly belongs to the mesophytic group-Asteraceae, Artemisia sp., and mare-
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Chenopodiaceae) and chicory (Cichoriaceae). Spore plants are represented by Bryidae, Lycopodiaceae, Polypodiaceae, Sphagnum sp. with a predominance of the latter. At the same time, a pollen grain was found that probably belongs to the tundra and char inhabitant, the dryad (cf. Dryas sp.). Nevertheless, the general composition and characteristics of the association suggest a possible predominance of the forest-tundra environment.
SPS from the alluvial part of section I of the aboveground terrace (layers 5-2, so-called 1) are generally characterized by a low content of microphytophossils. Nevertheless, a complete palynospectrum dominated by spores (78.3% of the total spectrum composition) and their diversity was identified in the sample from the middle part of layer 3: Bryidae, Sphagnum sp., Lycopodiaceae, Polypodiaceae, and Ophioglossaceae. Tree remains are mainly represented by small and deformed pollen of Betula sp. Individual grains of pine, alder and grasses were also found. This PCA most likely meets the conditions of tundra (less likely, forest-tundra). Analysis of floristic residues at the end of the terrace accumulative interval (layer 2) indicates approximately equal participation of spores, mainly Sphagnum spp. (more than 80 % of the group), and pollen from Betula sp. (grass pollen is not marked). These two taxa account for 45.2% and 51.4% of the total myospore content, respectively. This ratio is typical for large wetlands.
SPS from the bone-bearing deposits of the stream (layer 2, so-called 2-4) reflect different plant associations, which indicates difficult conditions for the formation (redeposition) of the host rocks. Most of the studied samples are characterized by a certain predominance (36-53% of the total spectrum composition) of tree and shrub pollen: Betula sp. (sharply dominant), Pinaceae, Pinus sp., Alnus sp. and Salix sp. Herbs are represented by many taxa-Cyperaceae, Liliaceae, Poaceae, Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Artemisia sp., Caryophyllaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Polygonaceae, Ranunculaceae, Thalictrum sp., Rosaceae, Scrophulariaceae - and occupy on average 20% of the total composition of SPS. These spores belong to Bryidae, Sphagnum sp. and Polypodiaceae. The proportion of undefined myospores is quite high - up to 14.9 % of the total spectrum composition, which may indicate unfavorable plant growth conditions. The redeposition coefficient calculated from the discovered Early Cenozoic forms is also significant - up to 0.19.
In the palynospectra of some samples taken from the roof of layer 2, while maintaining the dominant role of tree and shrub pollen (up to 70%), coniferous myospores (Pinaceae, Pinus sp., Picea sp.) take the first place in terms of content. In addition, Cornaceae pollen is recorded, and grass myospores (seven taxa) mostly belong to mesophytes: Asteraceae, Artemisia sp., Chenopodiaceae, and Polygonaceae. Even greater differences are observed in the SPS of the sample taken near the recorded "Pleistocene-Holocene" boundary. There is an approximately equal participation of myospores of the tree-shrub group, grasses and spore plants. The pollen of shrubs belongs to Alnus sp., Caprifoliceae, Ericaceae and Salix sp.; the woody group is dominated by small and deformed pollen of Betula spp. Grains of Bryidae, Sphagnum sp., Lycopodiaceae, and Polypodiaceae were found from spores. Grass pollen belongs to 16 families and 4 genera (Potamogeton sp., Sparganium sp., Cyperaceae, Poaceae, Apiaceae, Artemisia sp., Chenopodiaceae, Cichoriaceae Fabaceae, Lamiaceae, Polygonaceae, Ranunculaceae, Thalictrum sp., Rosaceae, Scrophulariaceae, etc.). owned by Dryad - cf. Dryas sp.
SPS from the lower part of the floodplain section (layers 1 and 2, so-called 6) indicate a sharp dominance of spore plants-Bryidae, Sphagnum sp., Lycopodium sp. and Polypodiaceae (predominate) - 60.2 - 76.8 % of the total composition. Tree and shrub forms (up to 30 %) are represented by pollen of Pinaceae, Betula sp., Alnastr sp., Ericaceae, Salix sp. This ratio most likely reflects swampy forest-tundra landscapes.
SPS from the middle part of the floodplain section (layers 3 (roof) - 5) characterize the Atlantic optimum interval. There are three stages in the dynamics of plant associations. At first (the roof of layer 3), the landscape was sharply dominated by trees and shrubs: Picea sp., Pinaceae, Pinus sp., Betula sp. (predominant), Alnus sp., Salix sp.; an important find is the pollen of ephedra (Ephedra sp.) and hazel (Corylus sp.). The taxonomic composition of grasses was poor: Poaceae, Asteraceae, Cichoriaceae, Poligonaceae, Thalictrum sp. The spores found belong to Bryidae, Sphagnum sp., Lycopodium sp., and Polypodiaceae. Analysis of SPS deposits in layer 4 showed a predominance of grass pollen and spores (37.8 and 34%, respectively). Tree and shrub group-Betula sp., cf. Populus sp., Alnus sp., Salix sp. - takes only approx. 20 % of the total spectrum composition. Grasses are represented by 14 taxa belonging to wetlands, coastal and mesophytic formations: Alisma sp., Cyperaceae, Poaceae, Apiaceae, Artemisia sp., Chenopodiaceae, Cichoriaceae, Lamiaceae, Polygonaceae, Ranunculaceae, Thalictrum sp., Rosaceae, Valerianaceae, Violaceae-and occupy an average of 20% of the total number of employees. The spores belong to Bryidae and Sphagnum sp. (about 50 % of the group).
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Analyzing the SPS of layer 5, we can note approximately equal participation of spores and pollen of the tree group. The palynospectrum has a very rich composition - 36 taxa. The group of shrubs is represented by pollen of alder (Alnus sp.), alder (Alnastr sp.), willow (Salix sp.), apple (Malaceae); shrubs - pollen of heather (Ericaceae). Among angiosperms, subgroups of aquatic (Alisma sp.), coastal (Valerianaceae), wet-growing (Suregaceae), and dry-growing (Chenopodiaceae) plants can be distinguished. Thus, the obtained SPS reflect swampy floodplain meadows alternating with areas of small-leaved coniferous forest.
SPS from the upper part of the floodplain section, modern soil horizons and surface deposits of the stream (layers 6, 7, so-called 6; layer 1, so - called 1-5) represent plant associations that are close to abstract ones. A characteristic feature is the predominance of pollen from tree forms and a high content of spores (mainly Sphagnum spp.). Among the grasses, mainly wetland and mesophytic grasses are represented: Suregaceae, Potamogeton sp., Poaceae, Artemisia sp., Chenopodiaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rosaceae, Rubiaceae, Scrophulariaceae, etc. These ratios are quite consistent with the middle taiga zone with extensive wetlands.
Additionally, it is necessary to note the large proportion of spores Sphagnum sp. in all SPS, which indicates a steady (over time) spread of wetlands. In addition, the sediments of the First above-floodplain terrace are characterized by a high content of myospores of Melpaleogene age (up to a third of the noted forms), while this is not typical for floodplain sediments.
Analysis of clay minerals. Section I of the above-flood terrace is characterized by sharp peaks in the coloration curve for the interval of alluvial deposits (so-called 1). Thus, kaolinite was identified only in layer 2, and in the rest - alternation of hydro-mica and kaolinite with hydro-mica, which probably indicates periodic and rapid changes in sedimentation conditions. The sedimentation processes that characterize the formation of the terrace base meet long-term stable conditions for demolition and accumulation of material, since clay minerals are mainly represented by kaolinite with hydro mica. This confirms not only the lacustrine / floodplain genesis of precipitation, but also a break in sedimentation.
The mineral composition of clays from the floodplain section (so-called n. 6) is mainly represented by kaolinite (layers 1, 2, and 6). Hydrolice was determined in layers 4 and 5. The absence of frequent and sharp peaks in the coloration curve suggests that sedimentation took place in relatively calm conditions. This situation is quite typical for Holocene deposits of West Siberian rivers. A clear change in the sedimentation regime is recorded during the transition from the 2nd to the 4th layer. Apparently, this is due to a break in precipitation accumulation. In this case, layers 1 and 2 can be the basement of a floodplain.
The results of the study of samples of bone-bearing deposits of the stream indicate stable conditions of demolition and accumulation of material. This is probably due to the relatively stable erosion processes of the first and second floodplain terraces. Nevertheless, sometimes the addition of hydro - mica to the leading clay mineral of bottom sediments, kaolinite, is observed, which can be explained by local sedimentation conditions.
Thus, staining studies allow us to draw a conclusion about the kaolinite-hydro-mica mineral composition of clays in the visible part of the consolidated section of Quaternary deposits in the area of the Lugovskoye locality. The results obtained are comparable with the data of geological mapping of the adjacent areas, where deposits of the second half of the Middle - Upper neo-Pleistocene have a similar clay composition [Gosudarstvennaya geologicheskaya karta..., 1999].
Radiocarbon dating. Samples for research were selected in 2002: thoracic vertebra, pelvic bones and tooth plates of mammoths, as well as peat. The following results were obtained: 13720 ± 160 bp - thoracic vertebra (SOAN-4940) from the second bone-bearing horizon of layer 2 (SOAN-4); 13490 ± 155-pelvic bones (SOAN-4942) from the first bone-bearing horizon of layer 2 (SOAN-4); 10820 ± 170-dental plates (SOAN-4943) from the roof of layer 2 (so - called 2); 9685 ± 95-peat (COAN-4941) from the roof of layer 2 (so-called 3); 5830 ± 85 bp-peat (COAN-4944) from the floodplain section (so-called 6). The isotopic age of these fossils corresponds to It does not contradict the previous radiocarbon dating data, including the AMS method (Orlova et al., 2004). Especially significant are the 14C dates obtained from peat. The first one (SOAN-4941), which is close to the chronological boundary of the Pleistocene and Holocene, is almost 4 thousand years old. radiocarbon years younger than the date (13465 ± 50 BP) determined by the holed vertebra partially located in this peat lens (Zeninetal., 2003)*. This proves a significant lateral movement in the upper part of the bottom sediments, as well as a very complex character of the orictocenosis as a whole. So there is no doubt
* See also the article by V. N. Zenin, S. V. Leshchinsky, K. V. Zolotarev and others in this issue of the journal.
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in the local redeposition of most of the bones and teeth in the roof of layer 2 (so - called 2-4). This explains the previously revealed spread of 14 C-dates across uniform stratigraphic levels*. The second date obtained from peat (SOAN-4944) indicates the floodplain character of the right bank of the Maramka River, which is important for studying the paleogeodynamic situation.
Genesis, age, and correlation of sediments
Data on the genesis and age of sediments and their correlation formed the basis for the combined section of the Lugovskoye locality (Fig.
The most ancient formations in the studied area are the rocks of the base of the basement of the First above-flood terrace (layer 7, so-called n. 1). They are mainly represented by dense brownish-gray clay (visible thickness of more than 1 m). The sediments were formed in a large floodplain or lake, probably at the end of the Kazantsev thermochron (more than 100 thousand years ago).
The formations of the upper part of the basement of the first aboveground terrace (layer 6, so-called 1) and the visible part of the second (layer 2, so-called 5) lie on the underlying sediments, possibly with stratigraphic inconsistency. They are represented by bluish-gray, less often greenish-gray, massive, sometimes thin-layered lake clays (visible thickness of more than 1.2 m). The relative age of the sediments is preliminarily estimated by the Ermakov cryochron (about 100-50 Ka BP). This interval may also include bluish-gray clay at the base of the floodplain terrace (layer 1, so-called layer 6).
Clay sands covering the basement (visible thickness of more than 2.5 m) make up the upper part of the First above-floodplain terrace (so-called 1). Its alluvium is embedded in the second above-floodplain terrace by mining workings. The marginal part of terrace II, which is practically not expressed in relief, is fixed by pits 250 m south of the 30th reference point. The cytological characteristics of the sediments indicate an alluvial genesis (floodplain facies or subfacies of the riverbed shoal). Based on the results of the work and comparison with the regional sections, the time of formation of these sediments can be correlated with the very end of the Karga thermochron - the first half of the Sartan cryochron (about 25-16.5 thousand radiocarbon years). Apparently, the clay sand at the base of the floodplain section (layer 2, so-called layer 6) has a similar age.
Stream sediments containing bone - bearing horizons (so-called 2-4) are embedded in the formations of the First above-flood terrace. The stratigraphic situation and 15 isotopic dates obtained from fossils indicate the Late Spartan-Early Holocene age (about 16.5-9.5 thousand radiocarbon years) of Layer 2 deposits (Orlova et al., 2004). In this interval, Paleolithic finds are dated, the morphology of which is based on the insert technique (Zenin et al., 2003)**. Two 14C dates (about 18.2 and 30 KA BP), as well as fragments of bones and teeth in layer 1 indicate redeposition.
The buried soil in the lower part of the floodplain section (so-called n. 6) was formed in the first half of the Holocene, because the peat crowning it has a 14 C-age of 5.8 thousand years. Thus, the rest of the floodplain section corresponds to the maximum of the Atlantic optimum-subboreal time (about 5.8-2.5 thousand years ago).
The newest deposits in the studied area are soil horizons and the surface sediment of a stream (layer 1) with redeposited fossils and ceramic fragments (found before 2002). The accumulation of these deposits occurred during the sub-Atlantic Holocene period (from about 2.5 thousand years AGO to the present).
Paleogeographic and paleogeodynamic reconstructions
The presented facts clearly indicate the presence of Paleolithic man and a large population of mammoths on the territory under consideration, at least in the second half of the Sartan cryochron. This, as well as the location of the object of research at an absolute altitude of -20 m, refutes the hypothesis that the Mansi glacial dammed lake flooded the central, and even more so the southern, part of Western Siberia at the end of the global Zyryan cold snap (Volkov and Volkova, 1965; Krivonogov, 1988; Arkhipov and Volkova, 1994). In the second half of the 20th century, one of the main reasons for the widespread development of Sartan dam deposits in the center of Western Siberia was the absence of Paleolithic sites (Petrin, 1986; Arkhipov, 1991). New materials on paleontology, stratigraphy, and Pleistocene archaeology, including the results of Lugovsky's research, change this view [Velichko et al., 2000; Zenin and Leshchinsky, 2001; Leshchinsky, 2001; Zenin, 2003; Zenin et al., 2003].
* E. N. Mashchenko considers redeposition unlikely.
** See also the article by V. N. Zenin, S. V. Leshchinsky, K. V. Zolotarev and others in this issue of the journal.
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Figure 9. Composite section of Quaternary sediments exposed at the Lugovskoe locality. a - sand; b - clay; c-peat; d - modern and fossil humus horizons; e - position of bone-bearing horizons; f - place of selection of Paleolithic artifacts; g - number of the observation point.
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9): 1) indistinctness in the relief of the II and I above-floodplain terraces and floodplains of different age formations of the late Pleistocene - Holocene; 2) generally clay composition of sediments associated with constant redeposition of floodplain and lake sediments; 3) joint occurrence of macrofaunal and cultural remains.
According to comprehensive micro-paleontological studies, the formation of the most ancient (Kazantsev?) The formation of the exposed sediments (layer 7, so-called n.1) occurred under moderate-boreal climatic conditions in a vast floodplain, where floodplain mixed grass and grass meadows were widely developed. In quantitative terms, the dominant position among grasses belonged to Poaceae, and in the diversity of genera and species-to the Suregaceae family (Carex spp., Schoenoplectus sp., Eriophorum sp. predominated). Small lakes of the "window" type were distributed in the meadows, as indicated by the remains of aquatic plants - Chara, Potamogeton sp., Batrachium sp.., Trapa sp. Especially important is the detection of pollen from the water hazel (Trapa sp.), whose northern distribution boundary is limited to the southern taiga (Krylov et al., 1935). In elevated areas (outside the floodplain?), there was probably a coniferous-small-leaved forest with a predominance of pine and birch (Betula spp.The absence of cold-loving flora indicates that plant associations existed in a temperate environment, possibly warmer than today. However, the development of vegetation indicates a gradual cooling. Thus, at the final stage of formation of layer 7, the floodplain was surrounded by pine forests with the participation of spruce and larch. The hydrodynamic and temperature regimes of the sedimentation basin were unstable, which affected the composition of the microfaunal complex. This is probably due to the seasonality of sedimentation in a relatively shallow freshwater reservoir.
The accumulation of bluish-gray clay in layer 6 (so-called n. 1) took place, apparently, after a stratigraphic break. Plant associations reflect a cold environment. This is indicated by the wide development of shrubs (five taxa), including dwarf birch (Betula nana L.), heather (Ericaceae) and alder (Alnastr sp.), as well as the possible presence of dryad (?) - cf. Dryas sp. It should be noted that the palynospectrum contains a large proportion (up to 1/3) of redeposited pollen of small-paleogene forms, which indicates a significant erosion of pre-quaternary formations. Apparently, this is due to the strong abrasion of the banks of a large glacial-dammed basin, in which the described deposits were formed. The texture of layer 6 clearly indicates the lake genesis. In the light of the latest data, the youngest ice barrier on the West Siberian Plain, which prevented the flow of Ob waters, existed during the maximum of the Early Tyrian cold snap (Velichko et al., 2000; Astakhov, 2004). Thus, the formation of the upper part of the basement of the first above-flood terrace and the upper part of the second one probably occurred in the environment of forest-tundra, possibly tundra (on the northern coast of the glacier-dam basin), landscapes of the Ermakov cryochron. It is possible that at the same time a bluish-gray clay was formed at the base of the floodplain (so-called 6). Here, the selected SPS indicate the development of lake-wetlands.
The change in the next sedimentation regime is recorded by the erosion of lake sediments with subsequent filling of the incision with alluvium of the First above-flood terrace (layers 5 - 2, so-called n. 1). The change in the situation is probably associated with the beginning of the Karga thermochron (about 50 thousand years ago). radiocarbon dates), when the main northern water flow resumed. The bulk of alluvial sediments probably formed from the end of the Karginsky thermochron to the middle of the Sartan cryochron. The geographical and geodynamic environment of this interval was probably very unstable. The results of lithofacial studies indicate periodic rapid changes in sedimentation conditions, which may explain the poor preservation of micropaleontological remains. Only poor palynospectres were identified from the samples, the composition of which allows us to reconstruct only the general features of the surrounding landscapes. Their main feature was green moss wetlands with the participation of birch and an admixture of pine, which indicates a cold (tundra / forest-tundra) climate situation. Moreover, by the end of the interval, due to another change in the geodinimic regime, apparently, the progressive development of upper and floodplain swamps began, which entailed a radical change in the geochemical environment.
Approximately from the middle of the Sartan cryochron, another erosion stage is recorded in the consolidated section of the locality. It manifests itself in the denudation of the First above-flood terrace and the accumulation of bottom sediments from the stream that cuts it (layer 2, so-called 2-A). The decline in the erosion base is obviously associated with a decrease in the level of the World Ocean, which is recorded by most researchers of the Eurasian shelf (Atlas..., 1991; Astakhov, 2004). The duration of the stage is probably limited to the beginning of the Holocene. A change in the erosion basis led to a sharp drainage of the ca-
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This explains the presence of a large population of megafauna in the study area and human penetration into the lowland regions of Western Siberia.
The main volume of bottom sediments of the stream containing macrofaunal and cultural remains was formed as a result of erosion of formations of the first and second above-floodplain terraces. Enhanced denudation is indicated by both lithological features of layer 2 rocks and mixed floristic complexes. The latter include a large group of redeposited diasporidia, spores, and pollen, which reflects the complex environment of sedimentogenesis. Sediment formation took place in a low-flow (possibly temporary) moderately cold (up to 15 °C) reservoir. Forest-tundra landscapes with small swampy lakes and old trees are reconstructed based on plant remains and synchronous host deposits. In the river valleys (?), sedge hollows and wet meadows of various grasses with the participation of plants of the Arctoalpine zone and rare trees and shrubs (spruce, birch, willow, etc.) were most widespread. In elevated areas, sphagnum, to a lesser extent green moss, swampy areas with birch-pine woodlands with the participation of aspen and, possibly, larch trees. The dwarf birch (Betula nana L.) was distributed mosaically in the surrounding area.This complex indicates a moderately cold climate, harsher than the modern one. However, by the beginning of the Holocene, there is a regression of swamps. A birch forest with shrubs appeared in the meadows - Viburnum (Viburnum sp.), alder (Duschekia sp.), bird cherry (Paclus racemosa (Lam.) Gilib.) and honeysuckle (Lonicera sp.), although some areas were still occupied by Betula nana L. viAdoxa moschatellina L. The association sharply reduced the participation of marsh plants and increased the role of mesophytes (Chenopodiaceae, Caryophyllaceae). Small - leaved forest (birch, aspen, alder, rowan) with an admixture of pine was developed outside the river valleys. Thus, at the beginning of the Holocene, the northern or middle taiga probably existed in the studied area.
Reconstructions of the Boreal and First half Atlantic time settings are problematic. It is possible to note the beginning of the rise in the level of the World's oceans due to global warming and, as a result, the flooding of river valleys. Probably, this stage corresponds to a sedimentation break, but possibly partially to a hydromorphic buried soil in the lower part of the floodplain section, the beginning of formation of which can be compared with the second half of the Sartan time. The fossils found in this soil are very small in number and are mainly represented by seed and fruit tagmens, which allow us to reconstruct a fragment of the plant association of swampy birch trees with poor grass cover. This indicates unfavorable burial conditions, when most of the organic matter was destroyed by chemical processes.
The next geodynamic stage of the territory's development is clearly shown in the Lugovsky composite section. Due to the maximum elevation of the total erosion base, the subboreal period of the Atlantic optimum was characterized by a massive accumulation of clay material in the river valleys. In the study area, a more or less permanent water pool probably covered the First terrace above the floodplain. However, during the floods, higher levels probably also flooded, which explains the smoothness of the modern topography and the presence of redeposited microfaunal remains (radiolarians) in the modern soil. The result of the described processes is the clay layer of the upper part of the floodplain section. This is confirmed by radiocarbon dating of peat deposited in the buried soil.
Sedimentation conditions corresponding to the Atlantic optimum correspond to layers 3 (peat) - 5. According to palynological data, the surrounding area was initially dominated by woody and shrubby vegetation in swampy moss-grass meadows. During peak hours (?) optimum spaces have become more open, with a rich variety of herbs. The sandy-clay deposits crowning the section (layer 6) probably formed in the subboreal segment of the Holocene, which is confirmed by a change in the plant community - the formation of floodplain sphagnum swamps with the participation of birch, less often spruce and pine. The textural features of sediments also change - the proportion of sand increases in comparison with the underlying sediments. This may be due to the beginning of a drop in the level of the world's oceans. In general, it is obvious that the Lugovskoe locality was completely "preserved"in the middle of the Holocene.
Another change in the geodynamic regime of the study area occurred in sub-Atlantic time. This stage can be called denudation-by the predominance of erosion processes due to the continued decline in the overall erosion basis. At this time, the location was "de-conserved" according to the inherited principle. Therefore, the youngest deposits in the studied area have a minimal distribution. Among them, we can note modern soil horizons and surface sediments of the stream, containing redeposited fragments of mammalian bones and teeth, as well as fragments of ceramics. Naturally, to these
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the same formations include deposits of the Maramka channel, the age of which does not exceed 2.5 - 3 thousand years. The environment was similar to the modern one, as evidenced by the composition of the floral complex, which is close to the landscape.
At present, the prevailing denudation trends at the Lugovskoe locality persist. Redeposition of fossils was recorded during field observations, which was subsequently confirmed by the results of laboratory studies.
Undoubtedly, Lugovskoye is a unique paleontological, archaeological and geological site. The conducted studies are only the beginning of a comprehensive study of the location, but a number of fundamental conclusions have already been obtained.
1. The locality is formed in the junction zone of the First over-floodplain terrace with the floodplain and is confined to the Sartan-Holocene deposits of the stream.
2. The studied area from the middle of the Sartan cryochron was located in the zone of distribution of tree and shrub vegetation.
3. The age of Paleolithic artifacts and most mammalian bone remains (according to geological and isotopic data) is not more than 16.5 thousand radiocarbon years.
4. At the turn of -10 thousand radiocarbon years, a change in the composition of the floristic complex is clearly recorded: a sharp increase in the proportion of tree-shrub plants and a decrease in the proportion of spore plants, which really reflects the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary.
5. Data from carpological studies mostly reflect local variations of vegetation cover, and the results of palynological analysis - communities of floristic subzones/zones.
6. The results of palynological and carpological analyses complement and refine each other, so to obtain reliable paleogeographic reconstructions, both methods should be used in parallel.
7. It is necessary to continue research of the Lugovskoe locality on the basis of an integrated approach, including in laboratory conditions. Excavation work is impossible without draining the area under study.
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The article was submitted to the Editorial Board on 15.06.05.
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