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ELIBRARY.COM.UA is a digital library, repository and archive for the preservation of scientific and literary works of Ukrainian and foreign authors. The project works on the principles of free participation: everyone can register and save their scientific or literary works. Read and publish with ELIBRARY.COM.UA!

PLATFORM'S TARGET AUDIENCE: Scientists · Teachers · Students · Writers · Researchers · Archivists · Publishers · Famous figures
В статье представлены новые данные по зооархеологии грота Котиас клде в Грузии, где значительную часть фаунистического комплекса составляют костные остатки бурого медведя (Ursus arctos), обнаруженные …
an hour ago
Elena Namli Orthodox Theology and the Temptation of Power Elena Namli - Professor of Ethics at the Faculty of Theology, Uppsala University; Research Director at the Uppsala Centre for Russian Studies (Uppsala, Sweden). The growing po…
Alexey Beglov The Orthodox Parish in Non-Orthodox Border Regions of the Russian Empire: the Case of Finland Alexey Beglov- Senior Researcher at Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Science; Associate Professor, National Research Nuclear Universit…
Шевченко Т. И. Валаамский монастырь и становление Финляндской православной церкви (1917 - 1957). М.: Изд-во ПСТГУ, 2013. - 500 с. На базе Православного Свято-Тихоновского гуманитарного университета подготовлен ряд исследований, посвященных различным аспект…
Dmitrij Biriukov Hierarchies of Beings in the Patristic Thought. Gregory of Nyssa and Dionysius the Areopagite Dmitrij Biriukov - Academic Adviser of Scientific and Educational Centre of Problems of Religion, Philosophy and Culture at the State University …
Rimestad, Sebastian. (2012) The Challenges of Modernity to the Orthodox Church in Estonia and Latvia (1917 - 1940). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. - 334 p. История Православной церкви в Эстонии вызывает интерес у многих исследователей. Эстонский случай во …
Richters, K. (2013) The Post-Soviet Russian Orthodox Church: Politics, Culture and Greater Russia. London: Routiedge. - 212 p. Главной темой новой книги Кати Рихтерс - опубликованной версии ее докторской диссертации, защищенной в Лондонском университете, -…
Alexey Komarov, Evgenia Tokareva The Roman Catholic Church and the Construction of National Identity in Estonia in the Interwar Period (According to Vatican Archival Materials) Alexey Komarov - Leading Research Fellow, Head of the Centre for Nordic and Bal…
Nadezda Belyakova Religion and Constructs of National Identities in Eastern Europe in the 20th Century: An Introduction Nadezda Belyakova - Researcher at Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Science; Associate Professor, National Research Nuclear…
Зайцев О., Беген О., Стефанів В. Націоналізм і релігія: Греко-Католицька Церква та український націоналістичний рух у Галичині (1920 - 1930-ті роки). Львів: Видавництво Українського Католицького Уніве…
20 hours ago
Alfons Bruning Different Humans and Different Rights? The Concept of Human Dignity in Western and Eastern Orthodox Perspectives Alfons Bruning - Faculty Member of the Institute of Eastern Christian Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherlands). a.brue…
Kristina Stoeckl The Russian Orthodox Church's Approach to Human Rights Kristina Stoeckl - Fellow of the Austrian Program for Advanced Research and Technology (APART), Fellow of the Austrian Academy of Sciences at the University of Vienna, Department of Po…
Serhij Pakhomenko, Svitlana Arabadzhy The Figure of Metropolitan Ignatius in the Construction of Identity and Historical Memory of the Azov Greeks Serhij Pakhomenko - Associate Professor of the Depart…
21 hours ago
Taras Bublyk Greek Catholic Identity in Western Ukraine During the Process of Legalization, 1980s - 1990s Taras Bublyk - Assistant Professor of the Department of Church History, Ukrainian Catholic Uni…
21 hours ago
Natalia Shlikhta "Ukrainian" as "Non-Orthodox": How Greek Catholics Were "Reunited" with the Russian Orthodox Church, 1940s - 1960s Natalia Shlikhta - Associate Professor, Chair of the History Departm…
21 hours ago
Victor Kichera Constructing Ukrainian National Identity in the Subcarpathian Rus by the Greek Catholic Order of St. Basil (1919 - 1939) Victor Kichera - Associate Professor of History of Ukraine, Uzhg…
21 hours ago
Anna Vishivanuk Ukrainization within the Orthodox Church in the Interwar Poland Anna Vishivanuk - Junior Research Fellow at the Department of Contemporary History of the Russian Orthodox Church, St. T…
21 hours ago
Alexander Kyrlezhev Mystical Politics as contradictio in adjecto. Thoughts on the Margins of Aristotle Papanikolaou's Recent Book Alexander Kyrlezhev-Research Fellow of the Sst. Cyril and Methodius Po…
22 hours ago
Audrey Shishkov Church Autocephaly Through the Lens of Carl Schmitt's Theory of Sovereignty Andrey Shishkov - Research Fellow of the Sst. Cyril and Methodius Post-Graduate Institute of the Russian Ort…
22 hours ago
Mikhail Steckevich The Oxford (Tractarian) Movement in the Context of Protestant-Catholic Conflict in Early Victorian England Mikhail Steckevich-Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies, Saint-Petersburg State Univers…
Daria Oreshina, Elena Prutskova, Ivan Zabaev Social Capital of the Russian Orthodox Christianity in the Early 21st Century: Applying Social Network Analysis Daria Oreshina - Research Fellow, Institute for Social Development Studies, National Research Unive…
Gauthier, F. and Martikainen, T. (eds) (2013) Religion in Consumer Society: Brands, Consumers and Markets. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. - 268 p. Книга "Религия в обществе потребления: бренды, потребители и рынки" вышла летом 2013 года в серии, …
Kirill Karpov Doctrines of Predestination in Medieval Philosophical Theology Kirill Karpov-Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia), The paper presents the main issues associated …
Georgy Vermishev Religion in the Third Reich Youth Propaganda Georgy Vermishev - PhD Student, Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Studies, St. Petersburg State University (Russia). The article explores the place of religion in the public prop…
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Important information for authors

Why is it important to save your scholarly work in a digital library?

There are many reasons why it is important to keep your scholarly work online. Let's focus on the main ones:
  1. Wide access: The Internet allows researchers and scholars around the world easy access to your scholarly work. This is especially important for those who live or work in remote countries or regions or sparsely populated areas where access to scholarly publications may be limited.
  2. Preservation and dissemination of knowledge: The preservation and dissemination of scientific works on the Internet ensures the preservation and dissemination of knowledge that can be used to advance science. This helps avoid duplication of research and facilitates access to previous works, which contributes to faster human progress.
  3. Citation: Storing research papers online at a specific address provides a permanent link to your work, making it easier for other scientists to cite and use your research. It also helps to increase your citation index in academia.
  4. Archiving: Storing research papers online ensures that they are archived and preserved for the future. This is important so that researchers can access previous works and use them in their own research.
  5. Dissemination of ideas: Keeping scientific papers online provides an opportunity to disseminate ideas and research results to a wide audience. This can lead to a broader discussion of ideas and a faster dissemination of knowledge in the scientific community.

What can I save in a digital library?

In a digital library, authors can save all kinds of digital information:
  1. E-books: digital versions of books, which can be saved in PDF, DJVU, or other e-book formats.
  2. Scientific articles: scientific publications that can be saved in text form for reading from a computer screen or other gadget or in PDF or other electronic article formats (in which case articles can also be read from both desktop and mobile device screens).
  3. Journals: digital versions of journals that can be saved in PDF or other electronic journal formats.
  4. Audio and video materials: lecture recordings, music, movies and other video and audio files. Audio files are stored in a special storage, and we recommend uploading videos to Youtube and then inserting a link to them in your publications in the library.
  5. Documents: different types of documents, such as brochures, manuals, reports, articles, and other documents. There is a special section for files in the library.
  6. Maps and drawings: different types of graphic images, including maps, charts, drawings, diagrams, and other types of images. They can be stored in the Photo Documents section.
  7. Electronic textbooks and learning materials: digital versions of textbooks, study guides, and other learning materials.
  8. Electronic newspapers: digital versions of newspapers that can be saved in PDF or other electronic newspaper formats.
  9. Photos: digital images of photos and other graphic materials.
  10. Archival materials: digital versions of documents and other materials from archives and museums.
  11. Research information: digital versions of articles, reports, dissertations, and other research-related materials.
  12. Electronic diaries: digital versions of diaries and other personal entries. The library has a special section for author diaries, where you can keep entries in chronological order.
  13. Electronic patents: digital versions of patents and other documents related to intellectual property.
  14. Internet Archives: electronic versions of web pages and other online materials that can be saved in archiving programs and uploaded for preservation in the library.
  15. Computer programs and applications: digital versions of software, applications, and games.
  16. Electronic dictionaries and reference books: digital versions of various dictionaries and reference books on various topics.
  17. Music: digital versions of music, albums, and other audio materials.
  18. Digital maps: electronic versions of maps, geographic and topographic data.

Why is the digital library free for authors and readers?

All services to authors and readers are provided free of charge. So it was, so it is and so it will be. There are several reasons why the library stores and makes available information published by authors for free:
  1. Accessibility. Free access to information makes it available to all users, regardless of their financial status or location. This is important to ensure equal access to education and information for all.
  2. Dissemination of knowledge. The purpose of digital libraries is to disseminate knowledge and information throughout the world. Free access to information contributes to this goal because it allows people to access the latest scientific discoveries and other important information resources.
  3. Social effect. Many authors, especially those who publish their works in the electronic library, do not receive direct financial benefits from their publications, but do so in order to promote science and disseminate knowledge. Providing free access to their work helps them achieve this goal.
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